How To Make Beluga Videos (The Easy Way)

 How To Make Beluga Videos (The Easy Way)

So you're reading this article to understand how to make videos like beluga the youtube cat. you might think you need to have multiple friends or discord accounts to make videos like a beluga. But you don't need more than 2 discord accounts to make videos like this. and making these kinds of videos is somewhat easy here are all the things you need to make a video like Beluga,

  1. A computer to edit your video
  2. A browser and the discord application
  3. A Script
  4. A video editing software
  5. A screenshot software(screenshot software is good to take screenshots and I will show you how you can do this without using third-party software)
Before we begin the video I'm going to show a test video I made.

So now that you understand what kind of video we are going to make I'm going to tell you how you can create your own beluga video easily.

  1. writing the script

  • Before we start the fun things like editing we need a script. you ask how to create a script? well, this is how I create mine. I use text editing software like ms word, notepad. you can use any text software you like.
  • I use ms word as it's easy to highlight sentences of different characters. you can use a book for this too.
  • Then write your story in dialogue form like this

  • Thinking about what to write ? You can watch videos of other creators like beluga to get self-motivated.
  • Just watch some videos and try to make up your own story and once you have your script and story we will move to the second step

  1. gathering the cool assets

  • You might think why you need assets for your videos. the reason is it makes your video fun and it won't be bad or boring.

  • If you don't understand what are these. these are audio, video, and pictures like funny memes.

  • If you notice beluga's videos are full of funny things.

  • You can also see the assets I used to create my video

If are asking what assets should you use I can't answer that question as it depends on your script just make sure it suits the dialogue. 

And make sure you add music to your video. 

You can find copyright-free music here. 

And read this article to understand why you need background music If you were interested as I want to make this article a bit short. Next, we talk about creating our conversation on discord.

  1. Step 3:-The discording

Here you can type messages in discord. For this, you can change your profile pictures and change your profiles to beluga and friends. 

If you have friends to chat you can chat and create a discord chat.
I know maybe you don’t have friends who use discord or maybe you don’t have that many friends. For you, I have a new technique.

To do this you need to do the following things. 
  • As I mentioned in the what you need section, you need the discord app installed on your computer and then you need to create an account. 
  • After you have done that, you need to install a browser and go to and create an account on the web browser too. 
  • I recommend you use the Opera browser, I will tell you why when we go to the next part. So, after you have done that let’s go to the other steps. 
  • You have a different email for this account if you create an account via email.

Tip: - if discord asks to verify give different phone numbers to the discord accounts you created.

So if you have done that now you need to change your profile picture to a beluga character(or the character you want) and then change the profile picture of the account you create on your web browser.

Or I almost forgot you need a server to chat before doing anything else. So first create a server using the discord on your computer and invite your web account to join the server.

  • Then you can start the conversation if you only need two characters for your video if you use more than two characters use this method. Read your script and understand the conversation
  • Start with two characters and once another character enters the chat change the profile picture of one account and change the name by going to settings and continuing on the chat. This way you won't have to change your discord name multiple times. You will only be changing the name that is shown on the server. you might need to change your profile picture multiple times when new characters enter the chat but this way you can do this without creating more than 2 accounts.
  • Finally, you can now take screenshots after finishing the conversation. To do this I asked you to use third-party software to get quality screenshots and do not worry there’s a better way.

  1. step4:- screenshots and editing like beluga

  • You can now use the opera browser to take screenshots very easily. Just press crtl+shift+s and save. Just like that, you can take screenshots, and thankfully opera will change the size of the screenshot according to the size of the chat box. If you are still reading the article, you are lucky as here’s an issue I found with this method. 
  • And that is the quality of the screenshots gets blurry when we zoom in when we edit on video editing software. So, to make the screenshot a bit better you can zoom in on your browser before taking the screenshots of the discord chat.
  • I assume that now you have finished taking the screenshots and are now ready to do the fun part. So get ready now we are about to edit the video. I will be using adobe premiere pro for this tutorial but if you use a different software the process might be different but watch and get an idea. Yes I will upload a video after this article end about how to edit the video as it is easy to show you using a video tutorial.
  • Right, no worries I will write about the editing process too. As it might be easy for some readers. Now open adobe premiere pro and create a new project and then import your media. Add a new sequence layer and add the color matte to the below layer as the background. Then drag the photos and create the video and then add sound. Well, this article is not a video editing tutorial so you might need to watch some tutorials or read some now you know how to create beluga videos so if you think this article is good comment down and share with your friends as it helps me. And thanks for reading 


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